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TLDR: I’d love to visit your book club virtually (or in real life, if you’re within a reasonable drive from the Piedmont region of North Carolina), plus you can score some free swag! 

I love talking to book clubs, even the ones with members who haven’t loved my book. I won’t say especially the ones with members who haven’t loved my book, but truly, I’m appreciative of (and somehow still astounded) that anyone has dedicated some of their time to the made-up stuff I put down on paper to try to work through the messes in my real-life head. If Oprah or Reese or Jenna or Dua (hej atja, Dua!) reached out about their celebrity book clubs hell yes I’d answer that call, but it’s the neighborhood/work/alumni/ food-themed/whatever civilian book clubs that I want an invite to, and I’m not above conniving and bribing to get one. 

Also, I know that books are expensive. It’s difficult to quantify the worth of a hardcover, but it’s easy enough to quantify the actual cost: somewhere around three full-priced adult outfits on Shein. I’d argue the value and durability of a hardcover is exponentially greater than that, but still, I appreciate that it’s a big ask to shell out thirty-ish dollars without knowing what kind of return on investment you’ll get. So, to sweeten the deal, I’ll throw in a fun little book club kit to any group whose collective members purchase five or more copies of Everybody Says It’s Everything.* Contents may include:

  • A custom-printed bandana to sop your brow when the discussion gets especially intense

  • Coasters on which to rest the requisite book club beverage

  • Bookmarks, because dog-earing isn't as cute


Plus–no pressure–I’ll join you for a virtual visit if you’ll have me. If you’re reasonably driveable from central North Carolina and my schedule allows, I’d love to pop in for an actual visit as well. 

*preferably through an indie bookshop. If you’re not local to an indie, they almost all ship! Like Bookmarks in Winston-Salem, Scuppernong in Greensboro, and Avid in Athens, Ga., to name just a few of my personal favorites.


If you're interested, please fill out the form below and ask any questions in the questions/comments space. If you're already committed and are ready go to, one representative of the club can add their contact info, address, number of members, and proof of purchase (a photo of the actual books and/or receipts is fine). I'll confirm before sending anything, so don't worry--there will be time to revise numbers or shipping information before I send anything off. This offer will extend until supplies are exhausted, and I'll update this page when the goodies are gone. 

Multi-line address

For any media inquiries, please contact Hope Hathcock at Random House:

Tel: 123-456-7890

500 Terry Francine Street
San Francisco, CA 94158

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